
Electrification, intellectualized, Connected, Sharing Service, as the trends of the entire Automotive Industry


The new treads raised much more broad talents needs crossing various industries


Intensive cultivation focusing on a specific industry, is the basis for providing professional and efficient service to our clients


EV Talent Consulting (EVT) is a consulting firm focusing on the senior and executive talents needs in fields of Electrification,
intellectualized, Connected, and Sharing Service in Automotive Industry


Working together with the experts in US, Germany and UK, over 30 consultants with direct working experience
in automotive industry ensure the world-class talents resources to our clients


Nearly decade service experience in Hybrid & EV talents, EVT successfully supported the raising of the Chinese Innovators of Electric Vehicle

● 中高端人才搜尋與獲取
 Senior & executive talents searching & acquisition

● 工程技術專(zhuān)家派遣
 Engineering & Technological experts contracting


EVT, depending the consultants with about 10 years OEM R&D talents service experience,
focuses on the senior & executive engineering & technological talents in vehicle OEMs

● 電能與電驅動(dòng)系統
 Electric Energy & Propulsion System

● 試驗、測試與試制
 Experiments, Testing and Prototyping

● 混合動(dòng)力系統
 Hybrid System

● 制造工程與工廠運營(yíng)
 Manufacturing Engineering & Plant Operation

● 整車集成與性能開(kāi)發(fā)
 Vehicle Integration & Attributes Development



Focusing on providing highly qualified talents in fields of Battery, Electric Motor, and related Controlling Units

● 電芯、電池包、BMS、熱管理……
 Cell & Monomer, Pack, BMS, Thermal Mgt…

● 整車集成與VCU
 Vehicle Integration & VCU

● 電機本體、控制與IGBT
 Motor, IGBT & Controlling

● 軟件開(kāi)發(fā)與标定
 Software development and calibration

● 試驗測試
 Experiments & Testing



Integrating the talents resources from fields of Internet, Electronics, and Artificial Intelligence,
providing professional talents to meet the requirements from Assisted and Intelligent Driving fields

● 感知系統:雷達、激光雷達、傳感器、攝像頭……    
 Sensing System: Radar, LiDAR, Sensor, Camera…

● 車輛控制與執行系統
 Vehicle Control & Actuation System

● 芯片與算法
 Ai Chips & Algorithms

● 衍生智能硬件
 Extended Intelligent hardware

● 高精地圖
 Vehicle Integration & Attributes Development




Crossing industries of Internet & Telecommunication, Multimedia and Contents & Service Providers,
providing talents from various perspectives for building up advanced vehicle based connected service

● 網(wǎng)絡與通信技術
 Internet & Telecommunication Technologies    

● 交互界面與人機工程
 Human Machine Interface & Ergonomic Engineering

● 内容與服務(wù)整合
 Integration of Contents & Service

● 軟件


With innovative thoughts and industrial insight, providing sales, marketing,
service and operation related talents in fields of shared traffic service


On-site service and contracting of experts and senior engineers from global talents market,
providing periodical engineering supports to the projects of our clients


Welcome to call

周洪波 Edmund Zhou
首席顧問(wèn) Chief Consultant:
+86 139 1721 4609
